Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 9 - Litchfield to O'Fallon, IL

Day 9
October 12, 2016
54.7 miles today
1046 feet of climbing
(463.7 miles, cumulative)
(8857 feet of climbing, cumulative)

Today's ride started out as a continuation on Route 66, but partway through the day we deviated south off the official route in order to head to Cape Girardeau, Missouri to visit Jean's brother.

Litchfield has several original buildings from the 1920s still open on Route 66. This cafe has apparently been open since 1927:

As we left town we cycled past several impressive houses, such as this one:

We also enjoyed seeing the smaller ones, like this example:

In the middle of the path this turtle was waiting for us to cycle past:

We stopped to see him, and he (she?) quickly retreated into the shell:

All closed up and safely inside:

At the end of the day as we reached O'Fallon the lines and color of this farmhouse caught our eye:

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