Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 8 - Springfield to Litchfield, IL

Day 8
October 11, 2016
51.5 miles today
837 feet of climbing
(409 miles, cumulative)
(7911 feet of climbing, cumulative)

We left Springfield on a cool, dry morning. More street art in the form of a pink elephant appeared in the first mile.

After a few miles on city streets we hit yet another very long bike path.  The birds were noisy as we cycled along making it feel like we were in an aviary at times:

We were always on the lookout for fall clots, and this was the highlight of the day:

As we reached farm fields again we started to see what looked like dust clouds hovering ov er some of the files. As we got closer, we saw that they were swarms of some kind of insect:

We had never seen anything like these before. Fortunately, none of them hung over the road in front of us. We always cycled past them, not through them:

We took this photo at a remote corner of several fields in honour of a friend by the same name:

This frontage road parallel to the highway went on for many miles, and we were passed by very few cars. We felt like we had the road to ourselves. Occasionally the truckers would give us a blast on their horn. It made us think of our friend Tom who drives a truck and would likely do the same. We always waved back:

As we arrived in Litchfield we noticed that the gravel on the shoulder was not entirely gray:

A close-ip shows all the kernels of corn, and if you look closely, even one pea:

We had no trouble finding our motel, and we again had a washing machine that helped to shorten the time needed for our evening chores.

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