Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 6 - Bloomington to Springfield, IL

Day 6
October 9, 2016
66.1 miles today
1235 feet of climbing today
(340.7 miles, cumulative)
(6756 feet of climbing, cumulative)

We left Bloomington and found ourselves immediately in farm country again. This sign is a nod to our friends who have more than a little farm experience:

Hmm, maple syrup is likely tidier than pigs and chickens were:

An older tractor:

and a newer one:

The presence of trains and rail lines continued:

Street art continued to appear in the small towns. This was in Lincoln, IL:

This octagonal library was eye-catching:

This is the Postville Courthouse where Lincoln sometimes worked:

In Elkhart, IL we came across the Stahl building. We don't know if Mr. Stahl was in any way related to the Stahl in our immediate family:

Across the street was another warm brick storefront:

We rolled into Springfield after a long day of over 65 miles. Somehow I had used a wrong location for the intended motel, but fortunately we quickly found the Carpenter Inn downtown and it was very comfortable.

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