Saturday 22 October 2016

Day 19 - Springfield to Carthage, Missouri

Day 19 of our tour
October 22, 2016
62.4 miles today
2544 feet of climbing
(871.2 miles, cumulative)
(33,360 feet of climbing, cumulative)

Just a quick post to let you know we arrived here in Carthage at the motel at about 5:00.  We got a late start this morning (9:30-ish) as we had to make our route map this morning due to the internet problems last night at the motel.

We had warmer weather, sun all day, some headwind, mostly quiet roads, lots of climbing (with steeper hills than we faced previously on the busy highways), no flats or mechanical issues, and we both felt it was the most demanding day yet.

The laundromat was only three blocks away and the laundry is now hanging here to dry, we've had a good supper (chicken salad) in the room, and we're planning a shorter day tomorrow, maybe only to Joplin.

Here are photos from the ride today, without comment for a change...


  1. We are all admiring your perseverance and endurance as the winds pick up and the miles add up! Be sure to save some energy for after the ride....

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Siri. We do monitor our daily mileage and don't want to overdo it.

  2. I'm glad the weather has been cooperative!

    1. It really has been. No real rain, not to mention no storms or worse. (We've seen tornado shelters on the property of homes and farmhouses we ride past.)
