Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 7 - Rest day in Springfield, IL

Day 7
October 10, 2016
16.8 miles today
318 feet of climbing today
(357.5 miles, cumulative)
(7074 feet of climbing, cumulative)

We made a somewhat spontaneous decision to take a day of rest in Springfield, IL. As it was the home of Abe Lincoln, there is an historic area with reproductions of buildings as they existed during Lincoln's lifetime.

We first cycled around town visiting four bike shops. I decided to replace my SPD pedals, and we were trying to find a simple clear plastic waterproof cycling jacket for Jean since her re-treated waterproof breathable jacket had proven on the ride through Chicago to not be waterproof anymore. (We had no luck finding that.)

After our 'tour de bike shops' we visited the historic district. Here are a few photos:

This was Lincoln's house:

A sign said that the brown color was the original color:

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