Tuesday 25 October 2016

Day 22 - Vinita to Catoosa, Oklahoma

Day 22 of our tour
October 25, 2016
52.1 miles today
1712 feet of climbing
(1009.7 miles, cumulative)
(37,610 feet of climbing, cumulative)

That sums up the story of today: we were pedaling one way, and the wind was blowing the other. But the handkerchief taped temporarily to the signs was not a flag of surrender. We carried on at a slower pace but within our strength and stamina, and arrived in Catoosa, Oklahoma for a comfortable stay in a Hampton Inn after 52 miles.

We made more than a few stops to collect our energy, and one was at a childhood favourite of Jean's: the Whataburger restaurant. I had never heard of it, but the burger was one of the best ever from a chain type restaurant. 

As usual, we saw some old Route 66 features. This bridge, located about 50 yards to the side of the current highway, was one of the most interesting:

That's it for photo downloads for tonight. We've spent so much time tonight planning our routes for the next two days and (the harder part) trying to secure accommodations that we are out of time now, and must hit the sack. You never know, the wind could blow again tomorrow, and we need to be rested.

By the way, the camera heard us talking and noticed that we bought an SD reader, so now it has shaped up and worked perfectly for the last two nights in terms of letting us download the photos to the laptop. Internet speed, however, is not one of Oklahoma's strong suits, at least not at the places we have been.


  1. Hi Mark & Jean -- we're tracking your progress and enjoy the updates! What an amazing way to see the country. Glad the weather is mostly cooperating. It's suddenly very cold here. Take care!! Happy pedaling!!

    1. Thanks, Grace. There are days I think we're going too quickly. I could imagine digesting more of this history. However, we're enjoying the daily fresh air and fitness. And, it has not turned cold here yet, which makes a big difference to the enjoyment factor.
