Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 4 - Joliet to Dwight, Illinois

Day 4
October 7, 2016
46.1 miles today
730 feet of climbing today
(211.9 miles cumulative)
(4516 feet of climbing cumulative)

Leaving Joliet we headed due south. We cycled in to the Abraham Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Abe is not buried there, but thousands who served in the military are. We have only this photo, and the extensive, well-kept fields located over the ridge with rows and rows of uniform headstones were impressive.

The roads always took us through the small towns along the way. Many of them had "street art" in the form of murals, signs or statues (sculptures?) related to Route 66 history. Here is a mural in Wilmington:

The main street featured older store fronts such as these. We enjoyed the older styles of architecture and the extensive brickwork:

A small bridge was on our route:

Our bike is always a conversation starter, and at a grocery store Anna came over to chat. It was a Friday, and the high school football team was playing its homecoming game that evening. She was taking four of her grandchildren to the game.

A little farther along in time, Jean made the acquaintance of the King:

But James was not interested in her:

I  tried to impress the Blues Brothers:

But I could get nowhere with this gal:

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