Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 11 - Chester, IL to Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Day 11
October 14, 2016
51.7 miles today
3102 feet of climbing
(569.1 miles, cumulative)
(14031 feet of climbing, cumulative)

On Google street view this bridge looks quite intimidating. When we got there and could see it from the side it did not look as bad as we had thought. It did not require a big climb:

An officer came within five minutes of being called:

Off we went, hoping we would not get a flat tire halfway across:

Jean was able to get a photo of the officer following us. He had only a rear-facing light on:

Safely over the bridge and now in Missouri, we found that the road featured a narrow strip of pavement on the shoulder sandwiched between the rumble strip and the gravel or grass. I tried to keep the bike tracking on that strip most of the time so as not to annoy traffic coming behind us:

The smooth shoulder pavement was at most two feet wide, and at times as little as six inches:

Grandson Ross not only likes John Deere and yellow, but he is huge fan of bugs as well. This close-up taken of a hornet on the window at a Subway is posted with Ross in mind:

The day of riding to Cape Girardeau was a good one with many climbs and lots of long coasts, some at 30 mph (50 kph). We arrived at the home of Jean's brother Paul in the early afternoon and settled in for a visit and a couple days of rest.

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