Thursday 10 November 2016

We arrived in Albuquerque

We will post photos and give an account of the day later, but we wanted to say that we arrived in Albuquerque just fine.

It was quite the fun ride as the last ten miles or so were all downhill. As for tires and tubes, the rear tire tread wore out and was replaced with our last spare, which fared fine. We also had slow leaks occur in the tubes on both wheels, but replacements let us carry on just fine.

We are now with Jean's brother Gary and his wife Karen, and their younger son Daniel is coming over to join us for dinner.

More later.


  1. Very fun end to the story. Sounds like you barely coasted in to the finish line on those well worn tires and tubes! Congrats you guys!! And thanks again for taking us with you.

  2. Congratulations!!! An amazing accomplishment!

  3. I agree, an amazing accomplishment! When I lived in Mobile years ago I decided to ride my bike to the coast. Due to the quantity of broken beer bottle on the shoulder I had 3 punctures in 5 miles and just gave up. I have huge respect for the amount of planning and tenacity necessary to make your journey.

    1. Thanks, Ange! It would be so cool to do a Hoffmann sibs-and-families bike trip some day, some year, while we are all still healthy enough. It's probably out of reach with everyone's busy lives but it's fun to think about.
